Monday, April 27, 2009
The purpose of this blog
For a long time I have loved gardening both indoors and out. I have spent countless hours searching the net and books etc for the information I was looking for. Alot of time was wasted not really finding the information that I needed. I'm hoping to help out people with the same intrests find the information they are looking for about all manner of indoor gardening.
I won't be discussing soil gardening much if at all. I'm not apposed to it but it's not what I enjoy doing.
I will be talking about Hydroponic and Aeroponic gardening. The new technology that is coming out and trying tests of different types to see whats working and what is not. I will do my best to answer any questions or at least point you in the right direction. I don't know everything so I am happy for any and all feed back. I'm also going to set up a free forum to discus all the information and see the results of other Hydroponic and Aeroponic growers. I am very intrested in the new fogponics or fogger systems that are coming out. I have been reading alot of mixed results though. There are others mixing up aeroponic, fogponic and deep water culture. Also the LED grow lights though very expensive are intresting and the compact flourecents.
Anyway I'm getting way off track here.
I have just started this so gimme a few to put together some articles and get the forums up and running. I will be sharing my experiences with you and adding links top info and reseach I find in my travels on the net.
Thanks and look forward to learning from you.